Special Education & 504 Plans
Williston Basin School District #7 partners with the WilMac Special Education Unit to offer accommodation plans for all who qualify, whether it be a 504 Plan or an Individual Education Plan.
504 Plans
Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, which is a civil rights law, Williston Basin School District #7 has a duty to locate, evaluate, and identify any child attending public school who may require Section 504 accommodation or services.
A 504 plan is a blueprint for how the school will provide supports and remove barriers for a student with a disability, so the student has equal access to the general education curriculum. These plans prevent discrimination and protect the rights of students with disabilities in school.
504 plans often include accommodations. These can include changes to the environment, changes to instruction, or changes to how curriculum is presented. Accommodations don't change what students learn, just how they learn it. The goal is to remove barriers and give students access to learning.
With 504 plans, the school will look at information about a student from a few different sources. One source might be a medical diagnosis. Schools might also look at the student's grades, test scores and teacher recommendations.
The student must also demonstrate a need for special services in school. This is typically determined through formal assessment, review of educational records, formal observations, medical data, adaptive behavior measures, and parent and teacher reports.
If you suspect your child has a disability and may need 504 accommodations, or if you would like additional information, please contact the building principal.